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What Is Alcohol Use Disorder? Your Guide To Alcohol Addiction In Toms River

September 23, 2024

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder? Your Guide To Alcohol Addiction In Toms River

An abundance of people partake in alcoholic refreshments now and then. But alcohol can be habit-forming. If you consume alcohol to cope with life or cannot control your drinking, you could have an alcohol use disorder (AUD). This condition can quickly take over your life and adversely affect all the activities you once enjoyed. 
But don’t lose hope. If you suspect you or a loved one have alcohol use disorder near Toms River, support and long-term recovery are attainable. Discover more about AUD and the steps to take if you require guidance right away. 

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder?

Alcohol use disorder is an illness where you feel the urge to drink alcohol in spite of the adverse repercussions of overconsumption. Your brain craves alcohol’s mind-altering qualities and no longer performs reliably without them. AUD might be anywhere from mild to severe. At its severest, you are in jeopardy of overdosing on alcohol with fatal repercussions. 
When enduring AUD, you might develop an alcohol addiction and have uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms if you stop partaking. Without skilled assistance, you cannot keep yourself from drinking alcohol to lessen the difficulty your body endures when you detox from alcohol. If you do manage to quit “cold turkey,” you still must fight the practice of frequent drinking. AUD must have skilled treatment to enjoy a full recovery. 

Why Are Individuals Affected By Alcohol Use Disorder? 

Numerous individuals in Toms River drink, but not all of them develop an alcohol use disorder. A variety of factors contribute to your risk of developing AUD: 

  • Drinking from a young age
  • Existing mental health disorders
  • History of trauma 
  • Poor coping mechanisms
  • Genetics
  • Family history of alcohol addiction 
Countless people begin binging on alcohol in response to high levels of stress. In the absence of healthy coping strategies, it’s easy to counteract the uneasy feelings that result from trauma and mental illness with the brain-altering effects of alcohol. Whenever those negative feelings resurface, you turn to alcohol to subdue them again. You experience a temporary reprieve when drinking alcohol. 
But, alcohol is never an answer. When you use it habitually, you can become dependent on those chemicals to function. When you don’t have them, you feel more unpleasant than you did prior and want to drink more. Over time, drinking dominates your life and adversely impacts your wellness, relationships, finances, employment and hobbies. When you get ensnared in this devastating spiral, you can’t stop drinking without skilled guidance. 

What Are Common Alcohol Addiction Symptoms?

Frequent drinking doesn’t definitively mean you have a disorder. Alcohol use progresses into a disorder when it starts to interfere with your life. Various behaviors associated with drinking can indicate an alcohol use disorder. 
You could have AUD if you: 

  • Often drink longer or more than you had intended
  • Are unable to quit drinking even when wanting to
  • Spend a lot of time obtaining alcohol and drinking, even though it makes you feel bad or interferes with other activities
  • You’re compelled to drink so much you are unable to concentrate on other tasks
  • Have taken part in dangerous behaviors while consuming alcohol 
  • Have to drink more than you used to in order to get the wanted result 
  • Have abandoned enjoyable activities to make time for drinking 
  • Continual drinking despite its effect on family and friends
  • Experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking 
The more symptoms of AUD you encounter, the more urgent your circumstances are. But any individual who’s demonstrating indicators of alcohol addiction symptoms near Toms River has a right to professional treatment and care. You shouldn’t have to confront alcohol use disorder alone. 

What You Need To Know About Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

If you have an alcohol addiction, your system requires it to operate. If you stop drinking, you get sick. This is referred to as withdrawal. 
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms vary for each person and are reflective of how extreme your alcohol usage is. If you go into withdrawal, you might experience any of these symptoms: 
  • Insomnia
  • Shaky hands
  • Headache 
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Sweating 
  • Anxious feelings
  • Hallucinations 
  • Seizures 
  • Delirium tremens 
  • Delusions 
  • Confusion
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Fever
  • Elevated blood pressure 
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are a sure-fire sign that you or a loved one has AUD and requires help. Withdrawal is often agonizing and, in severe cases, even deadly if not controlled by medical specialists. If a person you care about| desires to quit alcohol but endures withdrawal when they attempt to, contact a Toms River substance use treatment center for expert care. 

Can You “Cure” Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol use disorder and addiction are known as chronic diseases. With that in mind, there isn’t a cure. However, a lasting recovery is a definite possibility. With the proper combination of mental health and medical care, you can learn to navigate the compulsion to drink and attain sobriety. It’s an arduous pursuit, but countless people eventually move past alcohol use disorder in Toms River  and regain control of their lives. 

Finding Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment In Toms River

No person can achieve sobriety on their own–and you don’t have to! Getting alcohol use disorder treatment near Toms River might be unnerving, but you deserve expert care to help get your life back. 
Alcohol use recovery might feel more feasible when you view it as several steps. There is no single pathway to sobriety. Numerous people relapse and go through some of these steps several times. But you should know, you can get help from family members and qualified providers over the course of your recovery. 
Alcohol detox: The initial step is alcohol detox. While your body eliminates the toxins, you require medical observation that keeps you safe and relaxed. When you’re prepared to stop your alcohol use, enter a residential detox center near Toms River. You’ll benefit from 24-hour support for one or two weeks as you undergo withdrawal. 
Alcohol rehab: Following detox, your mind and body will still yearn for alcohol. You need to transfer to residential alcohol rehab where medical professionals can aid you in managing post-acute withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol rehab focuses on repairing your brain from the effects of alcohol addiction. You’ll go to therapy every day to treat the mental facets of AUD. You’ll remain in rehab as long as you need. 
Outpatient addiction support: Rehab will stabilize you enough to go home, but you will still want continued support to keep on a path of sobriety. Don’t leave rehab without starting an outpatient addiction program that supplies therapy and medication-assisted treatment. You are able to stay at home or in a sober living accommodation, but you still should engage counselors and a doctor during the week. 
Sober living: Eventually, your need for treatment will abate. However, recovery is an ongoing process. Rely on the network of addiction professionals, family members, and new confidants you have built to keep up your healthy life. Avoid situations that push you to consume alcohol. Get help whenever you need it. Enduring recovery can be accomplished!  

Get The Help You Need Now For Alcohol Use Disorder Near Toms River

You don’t have to grapple with alcohol addiction by yourself. Talk to Evolve Recovery Center Toms River to find understanding, expert alcohol use disorder treatment near Toms River. You may contact us at 732-629-9672 or by filling out the form on this page. One of our team members will reply immediately, regardless of the day or time. Every call is free and confidential. We’ll get you the support you require at once.